Mido calms passions © EuroFootball.com

The young striker from Egypt - Mido denied the recent rumors that he had a falling out with his team's coach Jose Anigo.

According to reports, after hearing that he wouldn't participate in the weekend match, Mido immediately left the stadium and didn't even show up for the next day's training session.

Despite reports that Anigo was unhappy with the player's behavior, Mido claims that nothing happened and his relationship with the coach is excellent.

"I have no idea why everyone thinks I got upset after not being selected to play against Strasbourg," Mido said.

"It's true, I was surprised, but I agreed with the coach's decision. When he told me that only one striker will play today, I asked to be allowed to go home because I was feeling a bit unwell."

"I politely asked him if I could leave and he agreed. Anigo is a very nice person and everything is really good between us."

The 20-year-old striker currently has no doubts about his future and wants to stay in Marseille. The only thing that could hinder that is the team's defensive tactics, which Mido doesn't like.

"I signed a 5-year contract and I'm not planning to go anywhere," Mido continued.

"It's true that lately I've had some problems and I'm not in the best form, but I love Marseille and I want to stay here."

"I want to play attacking football with this team. Today, watching us play, you can see 11 fighters, but not a single bit of beautiful game."

"Of course, I will continue to try to play the best I can, but I want you to know that this is not my favorite style of play."