N. Bendtner, who broke the jaw of a taxi driver, sentenced to 50 days in prison

During his career, known more for his actions than his achievements, Nicklas Bendtner received a court decision in Copenhagen.

The 30-year-old footballer got into trouble in September, when instead of paying for a trip, he hit the taxi driver with his fist and broke his jaw. It later turned out that the driver even needed surgery.

N. Bendtner was charged criminally. At the court session on Friday, N. Bendtner heard a strict decision - he was sentenced to 50 days in prison.

However, the footballer was not immediately taken to prison - the Dane appealed the court decision, so the date for serving his sentence was postponed for some time.

During his career, N. Bendtner has worn the jerseys of teams such as "Arsenal," "Juventus," and "Wolfsburg."