Official: E. Jankauskas will play for "Hearts" ©

Today the official website announced that a Scottish club has signed a one-year lease agreement with Lithuanian national team striker Edgaras Jankauskas.

According to reports, prior to this, Jankauskas signed a three-year contract with the Lithuanian champion FBK club, which is also led by businessman Vladimir Romanovas from Lithuania, just like "Hearts". Last season, another Lithuanian player also joined the Scottish team through Kaunas.

Last season, Jankauskas played for a French club in "Ligue 1", on loan from a Portuguese team. The Lithuanian's contract with "Porto" was supposed to last for another year, but the player himself voluntarily left the team and became a free agent.

Last week, the Lithuanian national team striker took part in a trial with the Edinburgh team, where he scored a goal in two matches, apparently convincing the new "Hearts" manager George Burley to sign a contract with him.

"Edgaras is the player we have been looking for for a long time," Burley said. "He has played in the strongest European leagues for many years, so his experience and professionalism will certainly strengthen our team. He is a big guy, but he handles the ball well. Of course, his form is not the best at the moment, as he hasn't trained for six weeks, but I am sure that our fans will soon see what he is capable of."

In addition to Jankauskas, 7 other players took part in the "Hearts" trial, including three more Lithuanians who represent "Kaunas" - a goalkeeper, forwards, and midfielder. Burley had previously announced that 5-6 new players would join the team this week, so it is possible that another Lithuanian player will join those playing in Scotland next year.

As the most likely candidates to sign contracts with "Hearts" in the coming days, Burley mentioned two Czech forwards - Michal Pospisil and Roman Bednar. Earlier, "Hearts" signed another Czech player, national team midfielder Rudolf Skacel.

Currently, apart from Jankauskas, three more Lithuanian players are playing in Scotland - goalkeeper Deividas Cesnauskis representing "Hearts", as well as midfielder and defender playing for the national team.