Official: F. Torres extended contract with "Atletico"

Fernando Torres denied smoother rumors and remains in the Spanish capital.

The 33-year-old attacker signed a new, one-season contract with Madrid's "Atletico."

Earlier, the press was awash with reports that the player was heading to the Mexican league.

This summer, "Atletico" cannot register new players and next season the veteran may become a key part of coach Diego Simeone's mechanism.

"I am very pleased to defend the honor of the Madrid club for another year," rejoiced Torres, who has scored 105 goals for "Atletico" in his career.

Mañana arranca el equipo y tendremos el honor de contar con @Torres ¡F9T ha ampliado su contrato! #TorresRojiblanco — Atlético de Madrid (@Atleti) July 5, 2017