Official: R. Lambert to play in "Liverpool" team

"Liverpool" officially announced on Monday that the club has signed a contract with Rickie Lambert, who defended the honor of "Southampton" last season. Over the weekend, it was almost clear that the 32-year-old English national team striker will join the ranks of the "Reds". For now, it is not revealed how much it cost Brendan Rodgers to attract the experienced footballer. R. Lambert is a product of the "Liverpool" academy, but he will only now test his skills in the first team. After signing the contract, the striker did not hide his joy. "I always dreamed of playing for the Liverpool team. When I was young and left Liverpool, I thought I would never return," the Englishman officially told the website. R. Lambert played for "Southampton" from 2009. In total, he played 235 matches for the club and scored 117 goals. After this transfer, rumors in the press are circulating that in the summer "Liverpool" will say goodbye to Luis Suarez, who is likely to move to Real Madrid.