Open message from Neymar to the world: I became a new person

Neymar received a lot of criticism during the World Cup. Due to frequent diving and not the best displayed game, Brazil did not become the star of the World Cup as expected.

Because of the excessive emotions after losses, Neymar was not only criticized, but also became the object of jokes. However, after the championship, the star of Paris Saint-Germain admitted that he can also laugh at himself.

Indeed, this time Neymar, through his partners Gillette, who created a video, opened his heart and spoke about his difficulties and changes after the championship.

"Bat hit in the shin. Dagger in the spine. Outraged anger on a foot. You might think my emotions are exaggerated and sometimes they are. But the truth is that I suffer inside. You can't imagine what I have to endure beyond the field.

When I leave without talking to the press, it's not because I only like to win, it's because I haven't learned to disappoint you yet.

When I look clumsy, it's not because I'm a spoiled child. It's because I haven't learned to control my irritation. There's still a little boy inside me. Sometimes he amazes the whole world. And sometimes he just annoys everyone. And I fight for that boy to stay alive. But inside me, not in the field.

Maybe you think I fall too much, but I really don't fall. I bleed. And that's much more painful than when someone steps on your operated ankle.

It took me time to accept your criticism. I looked at myself in the mirror and became a new person. Now I'm here, with an open heart.

I stumble, but only those who stumble can stand up. You can continue to throw stones at me. Or you can throw those stones away and help me stand up, because when I stand up, the whole country stands up with me," Neymar openly spoke.

Eu caí. Mas só quem cai, pode se levantar. Você pode continuar jogando pedra. Ou pode jogar essas pedras fora e me ajudar a ficar de pé. Porque quando eu fico de pé, parça, o Brasil inteiro levanta comigo.#umnovohomemtododia

Watch the video in full: