P. Cech: The future of Wenger is not a problem

Despite the very unstable game of London's Arsenal, goalkeeper Petr Cech says that the uncertainty about manager Arsene Wenger's future does not pose any problems.

Various rumors about the fate of the Frenchman within the ranks of the Gunners have been circulating throughout this season, as the team could potentially finish outside the top four of the Premier League for the first time during his coaching tenure.

Overall, the "Wenger Out" campaign is already noticeable worldwide, but the strategist still keeps the possibility of extending his contract with the club.

"I think at this moment it's clear that Mr. Wenger is our coach and will remain so until the end of the season, and then he will hold all the cards in his hands. We will see what his decision will be, but I don't think it changes the situation in any way," Cech told Sky Sports.

"We have a coach and we know we have to perform well and work to win games, everyone has to play as best as they can. Regardless of whether the coach stays or not, I don't think it's a big problem at this moment."

"Personally, I don't see it as a problem, I just give my all every day and try to prepare for every game, and if someone sees it differently and has a different feeling, that's possible. Personally, I don't really follow that because I focus on my work."

At the end of this season, Arsenal faces the particularly difficult task of climbing into the fourth place in the Premier League standings. They are currently behind "Manchester City," who occupy that position, by a few points but have played one game less.