„Palermo“ sniper Paulo Dybala confirmed that after this season he will transfer to the Turin team „Juventus“.
The Argentinean showed his full potential during the 2014-2015 season and attracted the attention of teams such as London's „Arsenal“, „Chelsea“, „Manchester United“, and „Paris Saint-Germain“ by scoring 13 goals in 34 „Serie A“ matches.
The transfer fee is expected to be around 40 million euros.
„Juventus“ wanted me the most“, - Dybala told Sky Sport Italia.
„They made a great effort to acquire me, so that's why I chose them.“
„Over the past few years, I have grown a lot at „Palermo“ and I believe I can grow even more at „Juventus“. I can still improve greatly.“
„I will give my all to prove that „Juve“, by spending this money, was right.“
„When I arrived at „Palermo“, everyone said they had paid too much for me. Nevertheless, over time I repeated what I had achieved in Argentina.“
„Now it will be the same.“
Dybala also stated that he wanted Carlos Tevez to extend his contract, as there is only one year left until the end of his contract. According to the 21-year-old forward, this would help him improve.