P. Evra: I Almost Killed G. Neville During Training

Former "Man Utd" defender Patrice Evra shared a scandalous story from team training. According to the Frenchman, his lack of control during a session almost seriously injured defender Gary Neville. "I had a great relationship with him and the Englishman was a great team captain. But during one training session, he tried to take the ball off me and in the process, he fell and caught my leg. It was a painful action and I asked him: "Aren't you going to apologize?" Gary replied with a curse word and in my mind I said: "Alright". So, after 20 seconds, with a move like Bruce Lee, I hit him in the chest, hit his throat, and Neville fell and barely avoided breaking his neck. Coach A. Ferguson immediately stopped the training session and everyone ran over to us. W. Rooney suggested that Gary could have died if he had landed on the grass awkwardly. I responded to him: "Next time he will at least apologize." Later, G. Neville asked me in the locker room if I had lost my mind," said P. Evra.