Painful loss in L. Enrique's family: nine-year-old strategist's daughter died

The football community was shaken by the loss in the family of Luis Enrique. This summer, L. Enrique, who left the position of the Spanish national team for personal reasons, lost his nine-year-old daughter. She fought bone cancer. The 49-year-old football specialist took over the duties as head coach of the Spanish national team in the fall, but at the beginning of this year, he handed over the senior coach position to his former assistant, who was officially appointed as the new head coach of the national team this summer. L. Enrique confirmed the loss of his daughter in an official statement. The letter added that Xana had been fighting a serious illness intensively for the last five months. It was precisely because of his daughter's serious health condition that L. Enrique was forced to forget about his duties with the national team.