Party in Italy - 8 goals, 3 red cards and a last minute equalizer © AP

At the Italian championship, in a match full of emotions, tension, and goals, "Udinese" scored a goal in the last minute of extra time and extended the score to 4:4 against the "Lazio" team. The visitors scored first. "Udinese" striker Beto headed in a goal to put his team ahead in the 17th minute. In the 32nd minute, Beto scored his second goal of the match. The Portuguese player defeated the opponents' goalkeeper with a precise shot after a quick counterattack. The hosts managed to reduce the deficit just a few minutes later. Ciro Immobile received the ball in the penalty area and easily sent it into the net. However, the first half ended in favor of "Udinese" with a shot. Nahuel Molina scored in the 44th minute. The first half ended 3:1 in favor of "Udinese," but the "Lazio" players were not willing to give up and managed to overturn the score in the second half. Pedro Rodriguez Ledesma scored in the 51st minute and the result became 2:3. Just 5 minutes later, the hosts equalized the score. S. Milinkovic-Savic struck the ball accurately from outside the penalty area and sent it into the goal. Just a minute after the goal, "Lazio" defender Patric committed a foul and received a red card. However, "Udinese" had a numerical advantage for exactly 12 minutes because one of their players was also sent off the field in the 69th minute. Nahuel Molina, who committed a rough foul, left the referee no choice but to show the Argentine a second yellow card. The "Lazio" team managed to take the lead in the 79th minute. T. Basic lifted the ball into the penalty area from a set piece, and Francesco Acerbi headed it into the goal. The result became 4:3 in favor of the hosts. Just when it seemed that the hosts would secure victory, "Udinese" defender Tolgay Arslan scored an unstoppable goal into the top corner in the 90+9 minute of the match to equalize for his team. Led by emotions, "Udinese" defender Walace got into a conflict with the opposing team's substitute players and was sent off the field after the goal. These equalizing goals mean that after this round, "Lazio" falls to ninth place in the table.