Police raid UEFA headquarters - scandal over the new president

The police conducted a raid at the UEFA headquarters in Switzerland. The reason for all this - the mention of the name of the new FIFA president Gianni Infantino in the "Panama Papers" scandal.

According to the data presented in the "Panama Papers," G. Infantino, ten years ago, when he was still the legal services director at UEFA, sold the broadcasting rights of club tournaments to the Argentine company "Cross Trading."

This company resold the rights to another company, but at 3-4 times the price they bought them for. "Cross Trading" is a subsidiary of "Full Play," controlled by Hugo Jinkisas.

Last year, H. Jinkisas was accused of corruption in the attempt to obtain broadcasting rights for FIFA tournaments. He is currently under house arrest.

UEFA stated that this raid was planned and the organization is cooperating with the police.

G. Infantino has already denied information that he was involved in corrupt deals. G. Infantino became FIFA president just over a month ago.
