POP: The dog became an assistant coach at a Paraguayan club

An unheard-of Paraguayan club "Club Sportivo 2 de Mayo" quickly gained worldwide fame.

The team's coach decided to appoint...a dog to the position of his assistant.

It is said that the football specialist tamed the animal by feeding him a piece of pie, and since then he cannot be happier with his loyal assistant.

Having received the team's approval, the coach gave the dog the duties of an assistant and ever since he carefully observes the players' training sessions and intimidates opponents during matches.

"He lives in the club premises and never runs away from me. On the contrary, when I leave home and close the door, he gets a little upset.

Usually, he acts friendly all day and everyone really likes him. He socializes in the square, at the office, in the hallways.

It really amuses me when he tries to imitate the players' movements during training," said the team's coach Carlos Jara Saguieras.

Hinchada fiel pic.twitter.com/7Y6ok4HN2H — SP. 2 DE MAYO (@club2demayo) September 2, 2018