"Positional games for the development of young players" © JumpStory

LFF Technical department this week shares the third part of the training structure, with the focus on positional games for young football players. Lithuanian youth national team coaches prepared 2D and 3D format videos presenting the elements of positional play in training. The so-called "on-op" positional games are ball control games with opposition and transitioning from defense to attack and vice versa. Presenting slides from the Technical strategy plan Game development model, LFF technical director Patrick De Wilde noted that coaches using this material should use their imagination and experience to adapt the exercises according to the players' needs. The presented training exercises need to be adapted, taking into account the age, skills, and technical level of the football players. The purpose of the exercises is to improve the players' essential technical abilities, and frequent contact with the ball in training is necessary for this. The learning process will be smooth if one exercise is fully completed and followed by another. "Learning is a daily, never-ending process. Players' acquired skills form the foundation for them to learn new skills," emphasized P. De Wilde.

Recordings of positional games, which will be shown this week:

  • Andrius Skerla - control game (3v1 and 5v3 format); transition ("tranzicija").
  • Andrius Velička - playing in squares ("rondo" 2v4+1); playing in a small area ("rondo" 4v4+4).
  • Cederique Tulleners - attacking modeling with a transition; positional play activating 11v10 situation.
  • David Marques Afonso - creating opportunities and finishing in the final third; playing 8v8 with a "joker".
  • Donatas Vencevičius - "on-op" positional games (part one; part two).
  • Marius Stankevičius - "on-op" positional games; playing in a small area ("rondo" 5v2).
  • Povilas Baliukonis - "on-op" positional games 3v2 and 3v3; "on-op" position 4v2 and 4v4.
  • Raimondas Vilėniškis - playing in a small area ("rondo" 3v1 and 5v3); playing in a small area ("rondo" 4v2 with goals).
  • Rimantas Viktoravičius - positional attack with ball possession; compact "on-op" positional play.
  • Rolandas Džiaukštas - positional game 8v8+2; ball control, switching sides of the field, and transition.
  • Tatjana Veržbickaja - transition from attack to defense; positional attack.
  • Valdas Trakys - improving control; running into the attacking zone.