Presentation of New "Real" Clothing and with G. Bale

Madridthe team "Real" introduced the 2018-19 season outfits, where one can catch a glimpse of hints about the future of the team.

After winning the Champions League final, Cristiano Ronaldo whispered that he had a good time playing for the "Real" team, but he would only talk about his future in a few days. Meanwhile, the author of two goals Gareth Bale admitted that he wants to play more than he does in Madrid.

However, in the presentation of the new outfits, the Welsh national team footballer G. Bale can also be seen.

However, the biggest star of the team, C. Ronaldo, is not visible among the photos or in the presentation video, which has sparked even greater speculation that the Portuguese could leave the "royal club" this summer.

It is true that C. Ronaldo is the face of the company "Nike", which is the biggest competitor of the company "Adidas", advertising.