Awaiting the final. Legend. "Milan" symbol of the final and family dynasty ©

UEFA Champions League final match against Liverpool will not be the last time Milan defender Maldini wears the red and black jersey. The captain promised to continue playing for another year. When P. Maldini ended his career in the summer of 2008, the club will keep his number 3 jersey with the hope of passing it on to another member of the Maldini dynasty - Paolo's son and former Milan captain Cesare Maldini's grandson Christian.

The official UEFA website spoke with Paolo Maldini about this and his eighth Champions League final in his career.

- Is this final special in any way after the loss in 2005?

- The match against Liverpool is a good opportunity for revenge, but we don't have much against them. Throughout my career, I have won many matches. That night, we deserved to win, but we didn't. However, we shouldn't think too much about the opponents, but go out onto the field and play our game. The opponents are dangerous, especially Steven Gerrard and Peter Crouch.

- Milan reached three Champions League finals in four years. What is the secret of success?

- I think the secret lies in completely different styles of play and living together. This is the only club where the main player can be a footballer older than 35 years, regardless of his age.

- How many more finals would you like to play?

- I hope to participate in another final next year after Athens, as it will be my last season in my career.

- The final against Liverpool will be your eighth. The legendary Real Madrid player Paco Gento has also reached the same number of finals. What do you think about that?

- I can honestly say that I never worry too much about records. I only think about how to win even more possible trophies and Milan has given me the chance to play in eight finals. Believe me, reaching the Champions League final is not that simple.

- When you were young, could you imagine achieving so much?

- No, no. I just wanted to become a good Serie A player. When I was young, seeing Italian teams triumph in Europe was rare. In the seventies, Milan and Inter won two trophies, but generally Italian clubs did not dominate Europe before.

- Did your father Cesare teach you to love football?

- My father didn't talk much with me about football. He was more concerned about me becoming a good, smart, well-mannered person. I think I fell in love with football from the day I was born. And that love only grew. My love for this game will never die.

- What does the Milan club mean to you?

- I played my whole career in this club, I was born in Milan, and my father Cesare Maldini also had a great career at this club. The word "football" is first and foremost associated with Milan for me.

- Your son plays in the Milan youth team. Can he become a good footballer?

- At his age - 11 years old - you can already see if he has talents or not. Cristiano has them. If he learns to develop his talent and has ambitions, the next step will show whether he wants to pursue a career or not.

- When you finish your career, Milan will keep your jersey marked with number 3. Would you like to see your son wearing it?

- If anyone will ever wear them, it will only be my son. I think it would be a wonderful story.