The price of Ballack - 100 million euros ©

The Spanish team may not succeed in acquiring the security guard of the Munich team Michael Ballack - the president of the German team Franz Beckenbauer wants 100 million euros for the star of the German national team.

The Barcelona team previously started negotiations for the acquisition of this German, but now it seems that their hopes have come to an end.

"It's simple and clear - we don't want Ballack to leave," Beckenbauer, also known as "Kaizer," told the "Bild" magazine. "Barcelona wants him, but we are asking for 100 million euros for the player."

A few months ago, Beckenbauer criticized Ballack, but now the coach doesn't spare him compliments, especially after the first matches played in the Euro-2004 tournament against the Netherlands: "In these matches, he played excellently, at 100 percent. In that position, there are no alternatives in Germany."