Cisse announces ultimatum to Liverpool? ©

At the moment, French national team striker Djibril Cisse, representing the club, will most likely already be playing for the team this summer. However, Cisse unequivocally showed that he would play in the new club only if its current coach Gerard Houllier stayed.

The coach's seat has been shaking for some time. Criticism did not diminish even after a 1-0 victory against the "Wolves" team.

However, the French footballer believes that his compatriot will stay at Anfield. "I wholeheartedly believe that he will keep this job. Because if I come to the club and he is not the coach, it will be a very strong blow to my future career. He is the only one I talked to, negotiated with, and agreed only with him. I could have gone to "X", but Anfield is better for me," the player says.