"Screen" fully prepared for UEFA Cup matches © EuroFootball.com

Workers are still busy at the "Aukštaitija" stadium in Panevėžys. Today, another 1000 plastic chairs will be installed. So, tomorrow at 6 pm, 4000 football fans will be able to watch the UEFA Cup qualifying match between FK and FC (Luxembourg). In front of the central grandstand, on the other side of the field, the chairs will be installed in a way that the name of the "Ekranas" team will be visible.

According to the head coach of the "Ekranas" team, Virginijus Liubšys, the city authorities have done everything to make the UEFA Cup match a true celebration for the people of Panevėžys.

Asked about how the team is preparing for the match, the coach said that after the A League match against the "Šilutė" team, the players have learned their lessons and are ready for a serious fight. Although after studying the opponent's game tape, the coaches realized that the visitors play a technical and calculated game.

According to V. Liubšys, the match will be tough and it's not a team to underestimate. "Knowing that the core of the team consists of French footballers, we are facing a very serious and strong opponent."

FK "Ekranas" captain:

"We will play at our home ground tomorrow. We need to score at least two goals and not concede any. Especially since this club plays defensive football."

FK "Ekranas" goalkeeper:

"I noticed in the video that they know how to defend – sometimes all eleven players do nothing more. The Luxembourgian counterattacks could be dangerous, so I definitely won't be bored in goal."

FK "Ekranas" defender:

"I think we need to score a goal quickly, within the first 15 minutes, and then dictate our terms. Maybe Povilas (Lukšys) can 'punish' them?"

E. Majus will not have his teammate Arūnas Klimavičius in the first match against the Luxembourg team as he has to miss one game due to a yellow card received in last year's UEFA Cup tournament.

The most productive Lithuanian footballer of this season:

"As a forward, it is my duty to score goals. I am optimistic and determined to score a goal. On the other hand, the opponent is completely unknown. If I score a goal, I will dedicate it to my son Nojus, who will turn one soon. It will be like a gift to him."

UEFA registered players of FK "Ekranas":

A. Skrupskis, A. Banevičius, M. Savėnas, A. Klimavičius, G. Paulauskas, M. Uselis, P. Lukšys, A. Kučys, M. Gardzijauskas, V. Kavaliauskas, D. Petrauskas, M. Tomkevičius, A. Skroblas, E. Majus, K. Mykolaitis, P. Grybauskas, M. Kazlauskas, L. Rimavičius, L. Januševičius, A. Šteinas, A. Tumėnas, M. Litvinas, V. Dragūnevičius, D. Venckus.