Torres talked about possible changes ©

The forward of the Spanish national team and Madrid club Fernando Torres stated that if he had to leave his native club, he would only exchange it for the Italian league.

"I will not play for another Spanish team because I could never play against the team where I was born and matured as a footballer," said the young Spaniard.

The 19-year-old Torres is considered one of the most promising European footballers. For this reason, he is already one of the most desired acquisitions among the giants of European football.

The most realistic clubs to acquire the Spaniard are Turin and . The footballer himself claims that it depends on the "Atletico" club management.

"Milan" and "Juventus" are well-organized and ambitious teams, but if it were up to me, I would like to stay in Madrid forever. In any case, they have to negotiate with the club management. They will decide which club's honor I will defend," Torres concluded.