Composition of the Lithuanian national team for the match against Israel ©

Eighteen players have been announced to play friendly matches in Israel against the national team of that country on March 30 for the Lithuanian national team. The team will be without M and M. Instead, Marijampolė's "Sūduva" player Tomas Radzinevičius has been invited. During today's press conference, it was also decided to create a Lithuania "B" national team. This team is expected to become the foundation for the "A" national team in the future. Composition of the Lithuanian national ("A") team playing against Israel: Goalkeepers: 1. Gintaras Staučė 2. Gytis Padimanskas Defenders: 3. Rolandas Džiaukštas 4. Nerijus Barasa 5. Andrius Skerla 6. Ignas Dedura 7. Darius Regelskis 8. Marius Stankevičius Midfielders: 9. Andrius Gedgaudas 10. Edgaras Česnauskis 11. Donatas Vencevičius 12. Tomas Tamošauskas 13. Gediminas Butrimavičius Forwards: 14. Tomas Radzinevičius 15. Andrius Brazauskas 16. Eimantas Poderis 17. Igoris Morinas 18. Ričardas Beniušis