Roberto Carlos: "I think I entered the history of Real Madrid" ©

Roberto Carlos enters the history of the "Real" club as the foreign player with the most matches played for the club. He has already played 396 of them, equaling Alfredo Di Stefano in this indicator. Roberto Carlos shared his thoughts on this historic event in an interview, which we present to your attention:

- What does it mean to you to match Di Stefano's number of matches played and be the foreign player with the most appearances?

- It speaks about hard work, professionalism, won trophies, love for the city, about people being pleased with me... I have achieved a number that summarizes my work, stability, and special love for the city, country, and fans. I have been here for eight years, and entering the history of Madrid's "Real" is amazing. I would like to leave my name in the club's history, and I believe I will achieve that.

- When the season ends, you will become the foreign player with the most matches played for Madrid's "Real".

- It is a privilege. In a footballer's career, you can win trophies, play in glorious matches, but entering the history of Madrid's "Real" as a foreigner with the most appearances - it only happens once. It is more important than any title. I think it will be extraordinary for another foreign player to break this record. And I hope that the next foreigner will be able to do what I have done in these eight years.

- Roberto Carlos' name will be written in history. You will be remembered, just like Di Stefano, Puskas, Gent...

- Yes, I think I am already an eternal part of Madrid's "Real". The most important thing is that people remember me as a fair player who wanted to make them happier, who wanted to win the best titles. It is a great honor for me to enter this club's history.

- What does Roberto Carlos have that helps him stay at one club for eight years and not lower the level? Where does the key to success lie?

- I do what I love the most - play football. I train, play, enjoy, and understand my responsibility. I think the key lies in the fact that I quickly adapted to European football. It is difficult for a South American to do so, but I did it very quickly. Also, my family is happy in Spain. If my children are happy in this city, it is clear that you will stay. I signed contracts with the Madrid club three times when I could have left. But I stayed because I was happy in the team, and because my family didn't want to go anywhere. And also because I knew that here is where I could win all the major titles.

- Which of the matches you played stands out most in your memory?

- The most interesting and important matches were against "Barcelona". Of course, the best memory will always be the Champions League final in Amsterdam when we defeated....

- Which goal do you remember most often?

- I have scored many goals from penalty kicks, and these goals bring me the most joy. For me, scoring after a penalty kick and seeing people rise from their seats is something special. The opportunity to share my joy with people makes me a happy person.

- How do you evaluate this season, in which you have already failed to win the Spanish Cup and are constantly losing points in the championship?

- It is the same as two years ago when we won the Champions League. We lost the Cup final to..., and then we won the Champions League against... in Glasgow. This year the same thing can happen. I think we are favorites in all tournaments. One should not forget that we won the Spanish Super Cup, that we are Spanish Cup runners-up, that we are La Liga leaders, that we have reached the Champions League quarterfinals. The most amazing thing is reaching the final. Whether you win or lose it already depends on the day, but if we make it to the final, it means we are a stable team that does a great job throughout the season.

- Is "Barcelona" a candidate for victory in the championship?

- Let's see how their team will behave after being eliminated from the UEFA Cup. I wanted them not to be eliminated, then they would have to play more matches. But now "Barcelona" will have more time to recover and prepare for new games.

- Were you surprised by the level of "AC Milan"?

- "AC Milan" has excellent players in their lineup, they have shown remarkable progress, as in recent years Italian football has not been at its best. "AC Milan" also shows a grandiose level.

- Comparing "AC Milan", "Arsenal", and "Real Madrid", it seems that your club is currently in the weakest position. Now no one knows what will happen next...

- It is impossible to compare the Spanish league with the English and Italian leagues. Here you play with any team, and it will create you endless problems. Look at..., which is not performing very successfully in the championship, and remember how they played against us. And they won against us in the Cup final. In Italy, there are three good teams, and there are many others known for their playing style. I don't want to underestimate Italian football, but there is a big difference in the level of different teams there.

- If you reach the semi-finals, you will most likely face London's "Arsenal".

- Be careful! Many people think that "Arsenal" will reach the semi-finals, but we need to be wary of..., because they could play with "Arsenal" 2:2 and eliminate them from the cup. "Chelsea" also has a good team, and it will be an even game between them and "Arsenal". "Arsenal" might be the favorite, but I think the semi-final will be like this: "Real Madrid" - "Chelsea".

- Do you think you can achieve a "double" - win La Liga and the Champions League?

- Yes, and it will be three titles already since we won the Super Cup. Many people sometimes forget the titles we have won. If we detach from... by at least 4 points and from "Barcelona" by 9, I think La Liga will be ours. We only depend on ourselves. If we win all home games and play evenly three times away, then La Liga is ours.

- Is there anything new in your new contract?

- No, not yet. I have already said, and I will repeat, that I will not rush to extend my contract, and that my intentions are to stay at Madrid's "Real" for many more years. And the fact that I am a foreigner who has played the most matches for "Real Madrid" will make me think that I must continue my career right here.