Two new "Fantasy" manager tournaments! ©

This week registration started for two "" Fantasy manager tournaments, where teams from the Premier League manager can participate. These are the Sixth Open and Second Free tournaments. Registration will continue until February 1.

The entry fee for the Sixth Open Fantasy manager tournament is 10 credits.

There is no entry fee for the Second Free Fantasy manager tournament - it's free!

Any number of participants can take part in the tournaments. If the final number of participants is not a power of 2 (e.g. 8,16, 32, etc.), then the first round will be a qualifying round. Participants of the qualifying round will be selected from registered players whose teams occupy lower places in the respective manager season. After each round, the results will be recalculated and the winners will advance to the next round.

The prize for the Sixth Open Fantasy Manager Tournament will be an official scarf of an English Premier League club chosen by the winner.

The winner of the Second Free Fantasy Manager Tournament will receive a DVD "100 Classic Goals From the Premier League: Vol. 1".