Liechtenstein coach: Lithuanians had almost no chances, but we unleashed victory. ©

The strategist of the Liechtenstein national team, Hans Peter Zaugg, after the 0-0 draw with Lithuania, assured that his players looked better on the field than the Lithuanians.

"We knew that it wouldn't be easy to play, as the opponent is the athletic Lithuanian national team. I have to praise my players for their game, because, except for maybe one episode, Lithuania didn't have real opportunities. We played better," stated the specialist from Switzerland.

"Lithuania plays well after set pieces, but we were prepared for that. After the first half, I told the players: see, we can play, we can achieve something here. And indeed, after the break, we created ideal chances, it's remarkable that we didn't score," he said.

Asked about how the game changed after the red card shown to Lithuania's defender Edgaras Cesnauskis in the 75th minute, Zaugg said: "Having a numerical advantage, we got scared, retreated to defense, and didn't play as we should have. In my opinion, it's more favorable to play against 11 opponents, as it leads to greater concentration among the players. It's good that our goalkeeper successfully played during the last attack of the Lithuanian team."

And he added: "We didn't steal a point from you - we worked very hard and earned it honorably."

Zaugg agreed that Liechtenstein could have celebrated a victory: "Partly, we let the win slip from our hands. But in football there's a rule - if you don't score, they will, so luckily this time at least that didn't happen."