"Legal issues in sports" - a discussion inviting us to remember that in sports, not only unique rules of the game apply, but also "behind-the-scenes" legal aspects that cannot be avoided in everyday issues. Therefore, those who want to get closer acquainted with the nuances of sports law are gladly invited to the auditorium JR4 of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University (Saulėtekio al. 9) on October 18th, at 3 pm. In the discussion, the legal aspects will be discussed by Marius Devyžis, a lawyer from the law firm "VARUL partner," and Audrius Biguzas, a lawyer from the law firm "Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt." Competent representatives of sports, Rūtenis Paulauskas and Artūras Gimžauskas, will share their practical experience in applying sports law. The discussion will be moderated by sports journalist and commentator Nerijus Kesminas. An interesting discussion awaits with interesting people!"