C.Fabregas: "I want my teammates to trust me like Xavi" (PHOTO) © EuroFootball.com

"Barcelona" defender Cesc Fabregas spoke with the journalists of the Catalan sports newspaper "El Mundo Deportivo" before the morning training session. During the interview, the footballer mostly talked about his first season at the Catalan club, which he evaluated positively, but admitted that in the second part of it, he felt physically tired. Fabregas also expressed full confidence in the new head coach of Barcelona, Tito Vilanova. - The season is almost over, so it is time to draw conclusions. It started well for you, but later your form dropped. Do you agree? - I am satisfied with my performance this year. I started the season really well; the second half was perhaps a bit worse, but overall, everything is not bad. Initially, I played even more than I expected. I am slightly surprised that recently people say "look, he is not playing." Moving to 'Barca,' I knew I was joining the strongest team in the world and would have to fight for my place on the field. - But you will have to play even better next season... - Although I think my first season here was good, I also know I can be even more useful. There were some difficulties when I adapted to a new position. However, if I play in the King's Cup final, I can proudly say that this season I played in 48 matches. I have not played that many matches in four years, not because the team did not need it - injuries always held me back. - The goals you scored also testify to a good season... (C. Fabregas scored 14 goals against opponents' goalkeepers this season – ed. note) - Everything is great, especially if we do not pay attention to the last three months. I feel great, and my stats are also good. I am second in the team in terms of goals scored, and I also made 18 assists. Similar statistics were recorded when I played for the 'Arsenal' team, but I know that my current club would want these numbers to be twice as high. - Was it hard to adapt to the style of play at 'Barca'? - Of course, it is played differently than at 'Arsenal.' The core 'Barcelona' players have been playing together for four years. I felt I needed to learn a lot – take a few steps back to be able to take four or five steps forward next year. Of course, it was very good that I could play so many matches. I had lost faith that I could play 50 matches in a season, but now I think differently. - If you were a coach, what would you say about yourself? - A tough question (smiles). Most likely it would sound like this: "When he came here, he didn't know the system, so he stood out from the rest because he played as he knew, freely and uninhibitedly, as if he were still in the 'Arsenal' team." I have to admit that I am to blame for that, but my role in the team changed slightly, and everything was fine until February. - What happened in February? - Many players got injured. I felt physically tired because I wasn't used to playing so many matches, but, as I said, everything was fine because I understood that I was still getting used to the team. I can't explain it very well, but I don't like playing in a position where I am just there. I like playing with the ball and pushing forward even 30 meters. I like receiving the ball, distributing it, playing 'deep.' - Does the coach forbid you to play like that? - No, but the coach and I talk a lot about it. I like playing the way I did at the beginning of the season, but the style of 'Barca' is somewhat different. I spent the last three months learning new game concepts and trying to implement them on the field. When I said I had to take a few steps back, I was referring to that. Players like Xavi or Andres Iniesta also needed time. You say: "Xavi always makes a pass when it is most needed and never goes wrong." I want my teammates to trust me the same way. - The team will have a new coach. How do you rate T. Vilanova's appointment? - First of all, I want to say that Tito is a very good person. It may sound like a cliché, but it is true. He is a winner, and his advantages are very similar to those of J. Guardiola - Tito knows how to get the most out of every player. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but this decision is excellent. This change will give a feeling of continuity. Of course, it will be difficult because the current team surpassed Johan Cruyff's 'Dream Team' and beat almost all possible records. It's great that J. Guardiola achieved that, but now it's time to give Tito a chance. I know he was one of those who contributed a lot to my arrival. - It is said that Tito's 'Barca' backbone should be made up of Gerard Pique, Lionel Messi, and Cesc Fabregas... - I hope it will be so. I play better with the team, I know the other players better. My grandfather said, "You have to take on more responsibility." It became apparent since February when I received criticism for declining form. Maybe it was true, but this time helped me answer many tactical questions. - If you start the next season as you finished this one, the criticism may only intensify... - What you did yesterday is not interesting to anyone in football. Of course, the second season is usually harder than the first, but I promise to move only forward. - In the last season, there were matches that probably still do not give you peace of mind. This is the match at Stamford Bridge stadium. You had two great opportunities. How did you manage to fall asleep in that duel? - No way. I did not fall asleep. If I had wasted such opportunities at the start of the season, I wouldn't have survived it, but at that moment, the missed chances just stunned me. I played against 'Chelsea' like that several times before, and it never worked out, even playing in teams with similar styles."