Villas Boas: Words of "Chelsea" club leaders did not match their actions ©

London strategist Andre Villas Boas criticizes his former club London, but assures that revenge is not his motive.

Portuguese signed a contract with Chelsea last June, but was fired in the spring due to poor results.

"While working at Chelsea, the words of the leaders did not match the actions," said Villas Boas. "We talked about a long-term project, but it was very quickly terminated. However, now my top priority is Tottenham, so I definitely do not intend to think about personal matters."

The specialist also insisted that he wants to continue seeing Rafael van der Vaart in the team, who is linked to a move to another club.

"Speaking of the Dutchman, I trust him very much," said Villas Boas. "This situation is completely different from talking about Luka Modric, who has been pursued by other clubs for two years."