Greece - 35-70 Lt (32115 seats, 5.9 times bigger); Slovakia - 35, 59, 86 Lt, special business class - 519 Lt (13000 seats, 2.4 times bigger); Latvia - 15, 25, 50 Lt (9500 seats, 1.76 times bigger); Lithuania - 53, 73, 103 Lt (5400 seats); Liechtenstein - 58, 114 Lt (6127 seats, 1.13 times bigger);
+ special bonus: Estonia (since it's almost a neighbor and cool anyway) - 24, 45 Lt (9692 seats, 1.79 times bigger).
For fun, I compared the ratio of the standard, cheapest, without any discounts ticket price (the one an average person like me would buy) to the average salary in that country (I used a list compiled by good people in one place on Wikipedia - I checked the sources, almost everywhere the data is taken from local statistics departments. I don't claim this to be a scientific study, I don't accept any claims.):
Greece 0.59%; Latvia 0.88%; Estonia 0.98%; Slovakia 1.5%; Lithuania 3.1%.
I couldn't find the average salaries in Liechtenstein anywhere, but it's enough to remember that according to some calculations, the GDP per capita in Liechtenstein is the highest in the world, in other studies - one of the highest.
Then I took the size of the stadium and compared how many times the stadium size differs and how much - the price of the cheapest ticket (LFF explained that the size of the stadium affects. LET'S ASSUME (=let's make an assumption) that the ticket price increases proportionally as the stadium size changes, for example, if the stadium doubles, the ticket becomes half as expensive):
Greece - stadium 5.9 times bigger, cheapest ticket is 1.5 times cheaper Slovakia - stadium 2.4 times bigger, cheapest ticket is 1.5 times cheaper Latvia - stadium 1.76 times bigger, cheapest ticket is 3.5 times more expensive Liechtenstein - stadium 1.13 times bigger, cheapest ticket is 1.09 times more expensive Estonia - stadium 1.79 times bigger, cheapest ticket is 2.2 times more expensive.
BONUS question: how much gasoline does a Harley Davidson consume and how much are apartments in Palanga now?