Mario Balotelli ordered his statue, which will be kept at home in Brescia.
The "AC Milan" forward, who was fined 10 thousand euros on Tuesday for a "indecent gesture" towards "Inter" fans, contacted a local artist and asked to make his sculpture. This is how M. Balotelli wanted to "immortalize" himself.
"I received the money, but I have never seen M. Balotelli in person. So now I am working with the help of photos. I presented several sketches of Mario, but he wants to be immortalized in a famous pose when he scores a goal, showing his muscles and expression," sculptor Livio Scarpella told "Giornale di Brescia".
"I imagine him as an ancient athlete, so the statue will be a mixture of classical and popular styles. It will be made of platinum and colored bronze. The eyes will be made of stone," L. Carpella spoke about the art piece being created.