The social networking page "Facebook" community "AC Milan Fans" presents the speech by Kevin-Prince Boateng, who has experienced racist insults, to the United Nations.
Milan attacking defender Kevin-Prince Boateng spoke on Thursday at the United Nations in Geneva, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
"Madam Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights, respected colleagues and experts, ladies and gentlemen. You saw the video that was taken on January 3rd in the friendly match between Milan and a fourth division team in Busto Arsizio. At that moment, I decided to stop the game and kick the ball into the stands, as I felt deeply offended and angry by the racist insults I heard from the stands. This gesture, done by me alone, would not have had any particular further resonance.
My teammates followed my example without hesitation and we left the field together. The fact that the whole team took a step in such a ambiguous episode against racism was described worldwide, in the headlines. That is why I am here today.
I am grateful to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Navi Pillay, and the anti-discrimination department, for the invitation. It is a great honor for me to speak here today. Ladies and gentlemen, we live in the year 2013, and racism is still among us, and it is still a problem. It is not just an argument for history or someone else's problem, or something that happens only in other countries. Racism is real, it exists here and now. You can see it on the streets, in your workplace or at stadiums.
There have been moments in my life when I did not want to deal with this problem. I tried to ignore it, as if it were just a headache that would eventually go away. Just had to wait. But, this is just an illusion. This problem will not disappear on its own. We have a duty to face racism head-on and start fighting against it. The concept of "acceptable racism" does not exist. There is no acceptable level of racism.
There are many different types of racism, from different skin colors to different nationalities. There is no vaccine or antibiotics that can fight it. It is a dangerous and infectious virus that only strengthens due to indifference and inaction," - said K.P. Boateng.
"When I played in Ghana, I learned how to fight against malaria. Simple vaccines are not enough. You also have to clean the places where it can spread. I think racism and malaria have a lot in common. Stadiums are the places where people of different skin colors can come together to support their favorite teams or just see how healthy people can be infected with racism. We cannot overlook this and allow it to continue. Football stadiums, like other places, are full of young people. If we do not fight against stagnation, many of those who are healthy today could later become infected, with one of the most dangerous diseases of our time. We cannot afford to be indifferent or passive.
Many athletes, like me and my teammates, as well as artists and musicians, have unique opportunities to hear this individually. We have the opportunity to reach places that political speeches can never reach. History shows us the important contribution that athletes can make. I can mention the fact that the American president has the same skin color as me, as do Martin Luther King Jr. and Muhammad Ali.
One of the most memorable moments of my life was when I met Nelson Mandela during the World Cup in South Africa in 2010. He is an incredible man, of subtle mind and character. His life showed that the voice he created to fight against racism is less dangerous than to remain "silent".
It is important to resist racism today, as it was done in the past. We must draw inspiration from those who risked their lives for the same reason. I am convinced that it would be fatal to think that we can fight racism by ignoring it and hoping that it will pass, just like a headache. This will not happen. In any case, when our paths intersect with racism, we have a duty to rise up and act," - concluded the footballer.