"Malaga" club complains to UEFA representatives about a referee failing to notice isolation (VIDEO) © EuroFootball.com

"Malaga" club will file an official complaint with UEFA regarding the work of the referees in the Champions League return leg match against Borussia Dortmund," says the managing director of the Spanish team Vicente Casado. Manuel Pellegrini's team lost a dramatic match in Germany on Tuesday with a score of 2-3. The Germans scored decisive goals during extra time, but the most discussion was caused by the possible offside violation in both cases. "We are outraged because we have become victims of injustice. We will file an official complaint with UEFA regarding the work of the referees," said Casado. "It is unfortunate that the referees in the Champions League quarterfinals are not of the level that football players and fans deserve. "Our complaint will be aimed at the referees, not UEFA. The Champions League is an elite tournament, so everyone involved should be of the highest level." Images from the match: