After the "Screen" competition - emotional debates (VIDEO) ©

The victory of Panevėžio "Ekranas" was not the only gift for the fans of "First Armada". After the match, the blue and red supporters helped one enthusiast propose to his chosen one.

As soon as the final whistle blew, the whole team traditionally took the time to thank their most loyal fans – the "First Armada". However, this time everything unfolded in a slightly different scenario, as the blue and red fans agreed to participate in the proposal and helped one of the enthusiasts. Approaching the stands, the Ekranas fans raised a sign saying "Asta, will you marry me?", while next to them, holding a ring box, the future groom Audrius kneeled down.

Audrius, a fan of Ekranas, surprised his loved one with this proposal idea and soon heard the fateful "Yes". The couple celebrated their four-year anniversary about a week ago, but the girl did not expect to receive the engagement ring during the last home match of Ekranas.

Football and love for their city's team brought this beautiful couple together. Audrius has been supporting Ekranas in the stands since 2007, while Asta joined the First Armada in 2009.