Former "Milan" defender G.Gattuso: women have no place in football. ©

Italian Gennaro Gattuso, who ended his football career after dedicating thirteen years to the club "Milan", expressed his opinion about the place of women in football. According to the 35-year-old coach, this sport is not for them.

The former midfielder was unhappy that one of the managers of "Milan", Adriano Galliani, agreed to share control of the club with Silvio Berlusconi's daughter Barbara, even though he had threatened to leave the team before.

"A person like A.Galliani should receive more respect. I don't see women in football. It's not nice to say, but that's how it is," Gattuso told an Italian radio.

The 69-year-old A.Galliani will be responsible for the sports side, while the 28-year-old B.Berlusconi will take care of sales, advertising, and design.

G.Gattuso had a unsuccessful start to his coaching career. This year he was dismissed by both "Sion" (Switzerland) and "Palermo" clubs.