"Arsenal" will try to loan A.Morata from "Real" club in January © EuroFootball.com

Arsene Wenger has set his sights on another "Real" Madrid player. It is reported that the "Gunners" are planning to loan forward Alvaro Morata in January.

Last summer, London's "Arsenal" was reinforced by former "White" team member Mesut Ozil, but the French strategist failed to acquire a forward for the team.

It is thought that A. Wenger would only attempt to loan the young Spaniard if the "royal" club from Liverpool managed to lure Luis Suarez.

Rumors about A. Morata were circulating even last summer. The 21-year-old forward was sought after by London's "Tottenham" and several teams from the Spanish "Primera" championship, but Carlo Ancelotti decided to keep the promising player.

Other names associated with "Arsenal" are also mentioned in the press. These include Alexandre Pato and Demba Ba, who has no place in London's "Chelsea" team.