The licensing process of the Lithuanian Football Federation (LFF) clubs is approaching the finish line. During Thursday's Licensing Committee meeting, 5 clubs received licenses for the A League, and 6 clubs received licenses for the I League. The remaining clubs will have the opportunity to submit appeals and correct deficiencies within a week.
In the A League, 7 clubs will appeal. In order to obtain licenses for the A and I Leagues, clubs have been submitting documentation since December, supporting legal, youth development, personnel, infrastructure, and financial criteria. In total, 12 clubs applied for A League licenses.
Based on the conclusions from the LFF licensing department, the Licensing Committee decided to grant licenses to 5 clubs: long-time members "Atlantas" from Klaipėda, "Sūduva" from Marijampolė, "Kruoja" from Pakruojis, and newcomers "Granitas" and "Trakai" preparing for their debut in the top league. The latter two would play their A League home matches in the capital at the LFF stadium.
For the 6 clubs from last year - Vilnius MFD "Žalgiris", Panevėžys "Ekranas", Gargždai "Banga", "Šiauliai", Alytus "Dainava", and Tauragė "Tauras" - licenses were not granted, and they will need to supplement their documentation.
Another club, Kauno "Spyris", which played in the I League last year, decided to meet the requirements of the top league. While they have so far met only the requirements of the I League, they can seek A League licenses by submitting an appeal.
The LFF Licensing Committee also decided to impose sanctions regarding player registration. Until they submit financial reports or prove that they have no outstanding commitments, the clubs "Granitas," "Žalgiris," "Ekranas," "Šiauliai," "Dainava," "Banga," and "Tauras" will not be able to register new players.
There are 13 applicants in the I League. Among the 13 clubs remaining in the list seeking I League licenses (excluding "Spyris"), 5 managed to meet the requirements in the first decision-making stage.
Clubs that already have licenses from last season include Kėdainiai "Nevėžis," Kazlų Rūda "Šilas," Jonava "Lietava," Šilutė "Šilutė," and Utena "Utenis," which seeks to return to the league after a six-year break.
Some clubs did not submit all the necessary documentation, including Panevėžys "Baltija," Vilnius "Žalgiris-3," Radviliškis "Lokomotyvas," Vilnius "Polonija," Palanga "Palanga," as well as Vilnius MRU, Kauno "Stumbras," and Telšiai "Mastis," which joined the licensing process in the final days.
Due to the failure to meet documentation submission deadlines, the Licensing Committee will refer the information to the LFF Discipline Committee. Sanctions loom for the clubs "Šiauliai," "Palanga," "Baltija," "Polonija," and "Masčius."
"This licensing season, there have been quite a few structural changes in A League clubs, many of them have been busy seeking new investors and have taken time to prepare financial reports," said Laurynas Zibolis, head of the LFF licensing department.
Meanwhile, among the I League aspirants, there has been a significant update in the legal structure. "Their club structures were improved by 'Lietava,' potential league newcomers 'Utenis,' 'Stumbras,' MRU. We hope that these changes will be beneficial for the long-term perspective of the clubs," said L. Zibolis.
The Appeals Licensing Committee meeting will take place on February 6, 2014. The exact number of participants in the A and I Leagues will be confirmed by the LFF Executive Committee on February 10th.
The "SMSCredit.lt A League" championship of this season will start on March 8-9. The start of the I League competition is expected in early April.