The best footballer in the world of 2013, Cristiano Ronaldo, played official matches again on his birthday. Just like it happened in 2003 and 2005, the Portuguese player appeared on the field on February 5th.
Yesterday, celebrating his 29th birthday, the striker for Madrid's "Real" played in the semi-final match of the Spanish King's Cup against Madrid's "Atletico". Although the jubilarian did not score a goal for the third time, his team mates did not spoil the celebration and "Real" won 3:0.
After this victory, the Portuguese had to smile upon seeing the message of congratulations about the gift dedicated to him by "Paris Saint Germain" player Zlatan Ibrahimović.
"Cristiano, congratulations on your birthday" - wrote Z. Ibrahimović on the social "Twitter" network. - I send you my favorite clothing line "Make it like Zlatan".
In the link from the Swedish striker, "Real" player could see shirts with the inscription "Dare To Zlatan".
"Thanks for the gift, Ibra," - C.Ronaldo soon replied on Twitter. - Obviously, they suit me better than you."
[image: Z.Ibrahimović's shirts for C.Ronaldo (Twitter.com)]