After the match, a bottle hit Vieri on the head. ©

Yesterday, after the Italian Championship match in which and played, an incident occurred: a bottle hit the head of Christian Vieri, a forward for the Italian national team and "Inter".

After an hour and a half after the match, Vieri was preparing to board the bus and was standing next to a coach. Suddenly, someone threw a bottle, which bounced off the coach and hit the player on the head. Vieri injured his head, but after tests this morning he started training again with his teammates.

Vieri himself is calm about it: "I feel better. My head still hurts a bit, and when I got up this morning, my head was spinning, but it's not serious."

"It's good that I have a hard head." - joked the player, who will have to check his health again tomorrow, and if everything is fine, he will be able to play in the UEFA Cup second leg against "Marseille".