Latest world national team rankings ©

FIFA announced the latest national team rankings. The Lithuanian national team with 432 points remains in 104th place, sharing this spot with Congo and a five-position dropped Moldova.

The top three remained unchanged, while there were many changes in the top ten: the Czech Republic and England dropped to 9th and 10th places respectively, Germany rose three positions, Mexico and the Netherlands swapped places.

Among the most improved teams are Iran, now in 17th place (+7); Venezuela in 48th place (+6), China in 67th place (+9), Chile in 71st place (+9).

Lithuania's World Cup qualifiers Belgium, Spain remain in their positions, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and Montenegro dropped one position each, while San Marino dropped two. Our neighbor Latvia continues to progress and this time rose to 52nd place, while Estonia dropped two positions to 68th place.

1. Brazil (Previous position - 1)
2. France (2)
3. Spain (3)
4. Mexico (4)
5-6. Netherlands (4)
Argentina (6)
7. Germany (10)
8. Turkey (9)
9. Czech Republic (6)
10. England (6)
16. Belgium (16)
44. Serbia and Montenegro (43)
63. Bosnia and Herzegovina (62)
52. Latvia (57)
68. Estonia (66)
104. Lithuania (104)
165. San Marino (163)