"Vėtra", the Vilnius club that organized a training camp in Cyprus, has already decided not to sign contracts with six legionnaires who participated in the trial, announces the capital club's website online.
The Moldovan Iulian Bursucas, the Romanian Cristian Ionescu, the Serbian Miroslav Rikanovičius, the Malawian Emmanuel Chipatala, and the Cameroonians Didier Balilibi and Fransua Bikidingas will definitely not play for "Vėtra."
The decision was made by the capital club after carefully observing the legionnaires' performance in training sessions and their play in friendly matches. The legionnaires who participated in the trial played in many friendly matches. The coaches wanted to test them not only in training sessions but also in battles against strong opponents.
In addition to the six foreigners with whom it has already been decided not to sign contracts, "Vėtra" still has nine legionnaires at the Cyprus camp – Russians German Lovchev, Sergey Kuznetsov, Konstantin Talanzev, Alexander Smirnov, and Alexander Psenichnikov, and Andrei Usachyov, Latvian Oleg Boykov, and two Macedonians – Dejan Miloseski and Bobi Bozinovski. It will be decided after the training camp in Cyprus which of them will be offered contracts.
"Our goal is to review as many legionnaires as possible and select the best ones who will strengthen our team. That is why there is a considerable number of foreign players participating in the "Vėtra" camp," said Romas Stashauskas, president of Vilnius "Vėtra." - "We are guided by the principle that a legionnaire must be truly stronger than a Lithuanian. If not, he cannot take the place of a young, promising Lithuanian footballer on the field."