FBK is not lagging behind its competitors and is strengthening its ranks. The latest acquisition of the Lithuanian vice-champions is the young 20-year-old goalkeeper from Slovenia, Mihael Hertelendis, who will provide competition for Eduard Kurskis and Šarūnas Kilijonas.
The team's coaches had the opportunity to get to know the young goalkeeper already in January, when the Slovenian came for a trial for a few days. Even then, the coaches noticed the talent of this young man.
M. Hertelendis joined the team's training camp in Slovakia. The footballer, who previously belonged to the leader of the football league in this country - Domžale club, signed a long-term contract with FBK "Kaunas" and will go with the new team to the international friendly tournament "Palangos Juzė 2006".
Quiet, tactful, and composed, Mihael, who will celebrate his 20th birthday in April, will now try to prove to the coaches during the remaining preparation season cycle that he deserves a place in the main lineup of FBK "Kaunas".