celebrates its second birthday ©

Yes, exactly this day, exactly two years ago, the football portal started its existence. Some people loved it immediately, some needed time to love it, some didn't like it, but it didn't leave football enthusiasts indifferent on the internet.

Exactly a year has passed since the first anniversary and many changes have occurred in our team during these years: old people left, new ones came, full of energy and willing to share their knowledge with you. The nicest thing is that visitors have learned to express their thoughts in a cultured way and share their experiences with others, sometimes even correcting people who write news.

Articles that you write in the "Tribune" section are gladly read not only by all portal visitors, but also by us, the portal creators, because we learn a lot of new things that we haven't heard before, so don't stop writing, don't stop sharing your knowledge with others, because only this way we can popularize this sport in Lithuania, the greatness of FOOTBALL.

The team would like to wish you continuous belief in the future of Lithuanian football, to actively engage in sports yourselves and contribute as much as possible to the development of football in our country. Stay with us in the future.