The Presidium of the Lithuanian Football Referees Association decided at their meeting in Palanga that the country's football referees cannot participate in various betting companies' totalizators, predict the results of the Lithuanian football championships. According to the LFTA President Jonas Bragas, other countries' referees' organizations made such decisions long ago. Referees who violate this LFTA decision will be punished with disqualification or expulsion from the association.
The 2006 referees' licenses and inspectors' list were approved at the meeting. Discussions were held regarding new obligations for inspectors, licensing of stadiums. LFTA members did not agree on some of the requirements and decided to discuss them later. Seminars for beginner referees (C level) were discussed. LFTA members who did not organize such seminars were warned and obliged to do so as soon as possible. The Presidium agreed that active seminar organizers should be rewarded.
LFTA Presidium member A. Ziborovas was assigned to submit a project and estimate for producing LFTA attributes (badges, pens, stamps, etc.). It was decided that new jackets should be offered to football inspectors this year, and uniform shirts, ties should be purchased. Referees' emblems will be updated, and new emblems for II and Young referees will be ordered. Discussions were held on the participation of LFTA representatives in the Lithuanian Football Federation's annual election conference.