Belarus - Lithuania: direct comments from the match ©

Hello dear visitors of portal. Friendly international matches between Belarus and Lithuania national teams are about to start soon. The last time Lithuanians met with their neighbors was in August 1998 in Vilnius, and back then the guests celebrated victory with a score of 0-3. Let's hope that today's match will go more successfully and we will be able to rejoice in our team's goals. Both countries' national anthems are heard as the referee will soon announce the start of the match. 4' The start of the match is quiet. Neither team has created any dangerous opportunities. 5' Vitalijus Kutuzovas enters the penalty area but slips and falls. 6' Lithuanians press their opponents, take the ball, and Jankauskas is immediately tackled. 8' Free-kick near the Lithuanian goal. About 30m away. Romaščenko shoots!! Completely off target. The first real chance for Belarus. 10' Lithuanians show a lot of passing in their game, which is not favorable for our opponents. 15' After playing the first fifteen minutes, it cannot be said that Lithuanians are inferior to Belarusians in any way. In some cases, they even outperform them. 17' Romaščenko almost scores with a header. Second real chance for the neighbors. 20' Kutuzovas shoots from about 25m, but very inaccurately. 21' A corner kick near the Belarusian goal. But it doesn't cause any problems for the goalkeeper. 25' Lithuanians launch several attacks, but they end without much danger for the hosts' goal. 27' Lithuanians earn another corner kick, but nothing dangerous happens again. 30' Chaos in our penalty area, but Lithuanians manage to defend. 31' Danilevičius shoots at goal from distance and the Belarusian goalkeeper was not fully ready. 32' Belarusian corner kick, but Karčemarskas leaps higher than everyone and grabs the ball. 33' Lithuanian cross from the left...and a corner kick. However, they fail to create any danger. 38' The match is going quietly, the game is not very fast-paced. The national teams exchange attacks, but neither team had a hundred percent chance. 39' Česnauskis shoots, but the ball flies wide of the goal. 41' Romaščenko takes a corner kick...their closest player almost heads it, but Lithuanian defenders prevent Kutuzov from shooting. 44' It seems like both teams want to end the first half on equal terms and they are both satisfied with that. 45' Šemberas tries to pass the ball to Edgar Česnauskis, but it's inaccurate. The first half ends. Let's hope the national teams will demonstrate a more interesting game in the second half. 46' The second half begins. Substitutions in the Belarus and Lithuania national teams. Buliginas and Gurenka come on the field. Džiaukštas and Vencevičius appear on the Lithuanian side. He replaced Ignas Dedūra and Tomas Ražanauskas. The Lithuanians start the second half actively and press their opponents. 51' The game slows down again. The ball is mostly passed around in the middle of the field. 52' Kutuzovas finds himself on the sidelines, he could have escaped from the Lithuanian defenders! 53' Edgaras Česnauskis breaks through on the right and only stops after Lithuanian defense in the penalty area, ending this dangerous Lithuanian attack. 54' Belarusians start playing more aggressively, but their attacks lack finesse and they fail to create danger. 55' It seems like the Belarusian commentator is the most concerned, constantly thinking about how to overcome the well-functioning Lithuanian defense. 59' Karčemarskas and Venčiukas make a mistake and shoot at empty goal, but Dedura sweeps the ball away from the goal line. 63' Skarbalius shoots at goal, but very imprecisely. 67' Number 17 Genadijus Blizniuk appears on the field. He plays in the attacking midfield. 69' Substitution in the Lithuanian team. Tomaš Danilevičius is replaced by Tomaš Tamošauskas. 70' Lithuanians juggle the ball near the Belarusian penalty area, but they lose possession. 71' Another free-kick from the right near the Lithuanian goal, but Karčemarskas grabs the ball first. 72' After a Belarusian counterattack, Vencevičius brings down a Belarusian forward and earns a yellow card. 76' Belarus scores a goal. Romaščenko strikes from between two defenders and hits the crossbar. The ball rebounds to Blizniuk, who sends it into the net. 1-0. 79' Skarbalius is replaced by Radzinevičius. Lithuanians won't settle for this result. 81' The game becomes very open. Jankauskas falls in the penalty area, but the referee doesn't award a penalty kick. 83' Vencevičius passes the ball to Radzinevičius, who successfully stops but shoots into the stands from a few meters away, what an opportunity! 86' Well, if one could be afraid of such a result in Minsk based on the bookmakers' odds, no German would have expected what is happening in Romania. After the first half, Romania 4-0 Germany!!! 87' Romaščenko bursts into the penalty area... shoots...and Karčemarskas' excellent play saves the team. 89' The assistant referee adds two minutes to this match. So far, only Belarusian counterattacks are visible. 92' Lithuanians try to create something, but the referee's final whistle announces a hard-fought Belarusian victory with a score of 1-0. Thank you to everyone who followed the match on our portal. I believe that our national team cannot be judged harshly. They certainly did not play poorly and in my personal opinion deserved a draw. The direct commentary of these matches was written by Augustinas Pakulis. Have a good evening. Good luck. Team lineups: Belarus: 1 Chomutovskij Vasilij 2 Omeljančuk Sergej 3 Ostrovskij Andrej 6 Korytko Vladimir 7 Chackevič Aleksandr 8 Belkevič Valentin 9 Romasčenko Maksim 10 Kovba Denis 11 Kutuzov Vitalij 5 Štaniuk Sergej 4 Rovneiko Dmitrij Substitutes: 12 Gurenko Sergej 13 Buliga Vitalij 14 Vitalij Blizniuk Lithuania: 1 Karčemarskas Žydrūnas 4 Barasa Nerijus 5 Skerla Andrius 3 Dedura Ignas < (46 min.) 7 Skarbalius Aurelijus < (79 min.) 6 Česnauskis Deividas 10 Ražanauskas Tomas < (46 min.) 11 Jankauskas Edgaras 9 Danilevičius Tomas < (69 min.) 8 Česnauskis Edgaras 2 Šemberas Deividas Substitutes: 1 Padimanskas Gytis 17 Stankevičius Marius 3 Džiaukštas Rolandas > (46 min.) 7 Barevičius Giedrius 8 Tamošauskas Tomas > (69 min.) 19 Radzinevičius Tomas > (79 min.) 15 Vencevičius Donatas > (46 min.) Number of spectators: 3500