"Hearts" sells A. Webster © EuroFootball.com

In his ranks, owning the Edinburgh "Hearts" club with four players from Lithuania and coach Valdas Ivanauskas, the owner Vladimir Romanovas confirmed that the team and Scotland's national team defender Andy Webster, who missed the last three team matches, has been included in the list of players for sale.

According to V. Romanovas, the agent of A. Webster, who has a contract with "Hearts" valid for another year, rejected the club's offer to extend the contract and began looking for a new club for his client, with one of the candidates being Glasgow "Rangers", who are currently competing with "Hearts" in the Scottish championship for the second ticket to the Champions League of the next season.

V. Romanovas admitted that all this was due to the defender not playing in recent matches: "The coach (Valdas Ivanauskas - ed.note) is not convinced that the player can give 100% trying to earn as many points as possible for us. There were reports in the media that A. Webster was looking for a new club, and among them mention was made of "Rangers". This is the result of the agent's games, and it does not help either the club or the player. We can no longer work with such agents."

"The club has only one way out - to include him in the list of players for sale. It's regrettable that all this happened at the end of the season. If that was the agent's goal, why didn't he mention it during the January transfer window, then we could have talked honestly and respectfully? No one would have stood in Webster's way if that was his choice. Meanwhile, it looks like an dishonorable game with the club, and it saddens me," - regretted V. Romanovas speaking to the club's official website.

"What I want in the "Hearts" club is players who, like our excellent fans, give everything to the club, not those who look back at the "Rangers" while we are fighting for second place in the Champions League," - continued the Lithuanian businessman and confirmed that all the other players who did not play in the Edinburgh derby over the weekend were injured - "Speaking of players who missed the match against "Hibernian," coach Valdas Ivanauskas told me that Pressley, Goncalves, Fyssas, and Jankauskas were all injured."