Spaniards won the third victory ©

In the last matches of the first round of competition, the Spanish national team defeated the Saudi Arabian team with a minimal lead. This match did not determine anything for the Spaniards, as they had already secured a place in the quarterfinals. Stadium: Fritz-Walter-Stadion, Kaiserslautern 46,000 spectators Referee: Coffi Codjia (Benin) Saudi Arabia 0 - 1 Spain 36' [0 - 1] Juanito Saudi Arabia: Zaid, Dokhi, Tukar, Al Montashari, Khathran, Sulimani (Massad 81), Noor, Khariri, Aziz (Al Temyat 13), Al Jaber (Mouath 68), Al Harthi. Spain: Canizares, Salgado, Marchena, Antonio Lopez, Juanito, Albelda, Reyes (Torres 69), Iniesta, Joaquin, Fabregas (Xavi 66), Raul (Villa 45). The Spaniards started the match very actively from the beginning. As promised by the Spanish national team coach Luis Aragones, he allowed most of his main players to rest. In the 10th minute of the match, Al Aziz was taken off the field with a leg injury. He was replaced by Al Temyat. The Spaniards created dangerous opportunities one after another in front of the Saudi Arabian team's goal, but neither Reyes, nor Albelda, nor Joaquin, nor Raul could send the ball into the goal. Finally, the Arabs' defense was breached in the 36th minute of the match, when defender Juanito headed the ball into the net after Reyes' pass. Right after that, the Saudi Arabian footballers launched a dangerous attack. In the 41st minute of the match, after a pass from Joaquin, one of the goal scorers from the first goal, Reyes, could have scored, but Zaid made a strong save. The first half ended with a 1-0 lead for the Spanish national team. As promised by L. Aragones, Raul, who did not take advantage of his opportunities, was replaced by David Villa. At the beginning of the second half, Saudi Arabian goalkeeper Zaid made excellent saves against shots from A. Iniesta and G. Antonio Lopez. In the 53rd minute of the match, Al Harthi's breakthrough was stopped by the Spanish defenders, who once again left no hope for a goal. In the second half, the Arabs tried their best not to let in more goals and to counterattack when the opportunity arose. In the 76th minute of the match, Al Temyat was shown a yellow card for a foul. F. Torres, who appeared on the field after a substitution, tried to score his fourth goal, but was fouled in the penalty area in the 84th minute, however, no penalty kick was awarded. In the 87th minute of the match, the Saudi Arabian footballers launched a dangerous attack. Noor passed the ball to Al Harthi in the center, but the latter shot over the goal. The match ended with a minimal lead for the Spanish national team. The latter won their third victory in this World Cup. Saudi Arabia - Spain 44 Ball possession 56 0 Goals 1 7 Total shots 20 4 Shots on target 13 4 Corner kicks 10 21 Fouls 22 4 Offsides 0 2 Yellow cards 3 0 Red cards 0 56 Balls lost 59 7 Balls won 9