"The scandalous Italian national football player finally admitted how he provoked Zinedine Zidane in the World Cup final - the experienced 33-year-old defender insulted the Frenchman's sister. A year older Z.Zidane shocked the world in the last match of his career, nearing the end of extra time, sending powerful striker M.Materazzi to the ground with a headbutt. Later, one of the greatest defenders of all time apologized for his actions and justified himself for behaving that way due to insults to his family, but did not specify them. To the newspaper "Gazzetta dello Sport," almost two months later, the Italian said that Zidane arrogantly offered his shirt, which the defender annoyingly pulled with his hands, to give back after the match. "I would prefer your sister," Materazzi insisted. - I responded to the provocation to defend myself. "Yes, I pulled his shirt a bit, but was the Frenchman's offer to give it back after the match also not a provocation? "I agree that saying it like that is really not nice. However, on the field, many players say even rougher things. And I didn't even know he had a sister at the time..." the Italian defended himself.