Before the penultimate, 17th place in the German championship, the club "Hamburger" loaned their striker Benjamin Lauth to the team. The Stuttgart footballer will play for the team at least until the end of this season.
"Stuttgart" needed reinforcement after the team loaned Jon Dahl Tomasson. During the last 47 Bundesliga matches, B.Lauth, who was once considered one of the most promising German strikers, managed to score 10 goals against opponents' goalkeepers.
"I am crossing my fingers and hope that everything will go well for him," said "Hamburger" coach Thomas Doll.
It is unclear for now whether the "Hamburger" club will look for a replacement for B.Lauth, however, one of the club leaders, Dietmar Beiersdorfer, did not rule out such a possibility: "We are talking to several players, it is possible that a new player will join the team in the near future. At the moment, we are trying to figure out who could really help us and who could not."