J. Kloppas: "We will go to Madrid to win the match © PA

After a crushing defeat in the first UEFA Champions League quarter-final match against the Madrid team (2:5), home team coach Jurgen Klopp did not look very optimistically towards the future.

According to the German, the "Liverpool" team is not giving up and will try to surprise the hosts.

"I think that the coach of the royal club, Carlo Ancelotti, already thinks that the series is decided. At the moment, I also think so, but after three weeks...

As the match approaches, your chances increase, and it often happens until the series ends.

Last night we saw that "Real" countered very well, as we had to score three goals and often took risks.

I can assure you that we will go there to win the match. Whether it is possible or not, I cannot say now, but we will try," said J. Klopp.