"Ekranas" presented a new season © EuroFootball.com

On Wednesday, the presentation of the new season was held by the Panevezys "Ekranas" club. During the press conference, attended by a large number of media representatives, the goals and plans of the team and the club for this year were named - "Ekranas" wants to win the gold medals of the Lithuanian "A League" championship this year, win the LFF Cup, become champions of the Baltic countries, and reach the third stage of the UEFA Cup.

Club president Ausrys Labinas, speaking about the Baltic League championship, where the team has already played three matches, was convinced that "Ekranas" is one of the strongest teams in the tournament.

"We don't see any teams that "Ekranas" couldn't beat. Therefore, the goal is to become Baltic champions," stated A. Labinas, expressing the club's position.

Another tournament where "Ekranas" will participate as they do every year is the Lithuanian "A League" championship. "Since last year we finished second, before that we were champions, and we enjoyed being champions, we would like this year to bring us gold medals," said the president in high spirits.

However, he acknowledged that the championship will be stronger, and the main competitors in the battle for medals are the teams "Kaunas" and "Vėtra".

"But we cannot set goals that do not push us to improve," firmly stated A. Labinas. - "The off-season team composition and preparation were good and successful, so "Ekranas" is certainly capable of becoming champions again."

The people of Panevezys do not promise to give up easily in the LFF Cup matches. The club's leaders and coaches believe that the biggest competitors in this tournament will be the same teams as in the "A League", but the team is determined to win this cup as well.

Finally, one of the most important tournaments this year where "Ekranas" will test their strength is the UEFA Cup.

"The goals set for this tournament are to reach the third stage, and then depending on fate, watch and fight further," said the optimistic club president.

"Ekranas" itself also has set goals - the work of club representatives is to create the best conditions for team training, so that the coach's main concern would be preparing the team for matches, and if needed, provide information about possible weaknesses.

"We aim to have enough professional and knowledgeable individuals in the club, so that they could meet the team's expectations and help solve all emerging difficulties," said the team's leader about the club's administrative goals to strengthen the team.

One of the decisions that the leaders are very pleased with is that former longtime "Ekranas" coach Virginijus Liubšys agreed to become the club's sports director. He is responsible for selecting new players, monitoring, and scouting opponents.

"One of his most important tasks this year was the establishment of the Panevezys football academy in cooperation with the city of Panevezys. I think the coach contributed significantly to this," praised A. Labinas the new sports director.

The club president also expressed his pleasure that "Ekranas" has two very reliable partners - the company "Adidas" and the Panevezys city municipality.

"We are their strategic partners in the Lithuanian market. Our cooperation started last year and they were pleased with how the team represented their brand, so this year we extended our cooperation for two more years," A. Labinas was satisfied with the exceptional friendship between the club and "Adidas".

According to A. Labinas, the club is also grateful to the mayor, who greatly contributes to the successful existence of sports, not only football, in Panevezys: "We have the mayor's verbal confirmation that the stadium should change and become more convenient for spectators to watch matches in the next few months. From our side, we will make every effort for as many spectators as possible to come to the matches. We promise a great sight, so that the spectators who gather to support the team can see many memorable goals and a great atmosphere."

The team's head coach Saulius Šimelis stated that the preparation, which started in December, is now complete. During this time, several friendly matches were played, as well as three Baltic League matches. The coach regretted that official matches with all main players have not yet been played. The player pool was reduced by Lithuanian national team meetings and injuries, both minor and major.

"Of course, many of the team's players have changed since last year, so we had to look for replacements. Whether we succeeded will be seen in the upcoming matches. I trust my team and I know that we can achieve all the goals we have set for ourselves," confidently stated the team's strategist.

The team captain Mantas Savėnas said that the team is eager for real battles on the football field and is prepared both physically and emotionally.

"The atmosphere within the team is as friendly as always. The team's players get along well, we welcomed newcomers really well, so it will not be difficult for them to blend into the team," briefly described the mood of the team's players by the captain.

This year, after an eight-year hiatus, Dainius Gleveckas returned to the team and expressed joy that he can once again represent his hometown of Panevezys and his first team "Ekranas".

After a left arm injury suffered in last weekend's match against the team "Ventspils", D. Gleveckas promises to join his teammates and fight for the title of Lithuanian champions in two to three weeks.

The team's legionnaire, Estonian national team player Taavi Rahnas admitted that he agreed to play in the "Ekranas" team because he wants to win the title of Lithuanian champions.

"I already have three Estonian championship medals, so this year I would like to add Lithuanian championship gold medals to my collection, so I will do everything in my power to help the Panevezys team win this title," the new "Ekranas" defender was determined. He acknowledged that "Ekranas" participation in the UEFA Cup tournament is particularly important to him as a player. "It's an opportunity to be noticed and rise higher," T. Rahnas did not hide his personal ambitions.

This Saturday, April 7, at 14:30, at the Panevezys "Aukštaitijos" stadium, "Ekranas" will play their first "A League" championship match against the team "Šiauliai".