A. Wenger: "Ferguson worthy of the Coach of the Year title" © EuroFootball.com

London team coach Arsene Wenger praised his colleague Sir Alex Ferguson for his achievements in assembling the "Man Utd" team, stating that the strategist deservedly named the best coach of the Premier League this year.

The Frenchman added that recognition also deserved Steve Coppell for the excellent performance of his "Reading" team, which reached the Premier League this season due to their first place in the Championship division last season.

A year ago, A. Wenger often disagreed with S. Ferguson, but he did not hesitate to call the Scot the best coach of the year.

"I think this year belongs to Sir Alex Ferguson, as he is still fighting on multiple fronts," said A. Wenger.

"And Steve Coppell, whose team is currently in a position that no one expected to see them in and has a team that doesn't play fruitlessly - wherever they go, they believe in themselves," the strategist evaluated the work of his rivals in the Premier League.

Meanwhile, speaking about his team's game, A. Wenger said that his young team ended the season in decline, which began in March after being eliminated from the Champions League: "This season we are deeply disappointed, in general, I am most disappointed in the way we were eliminated from the Champions League."

"But this is part of the maturation process, such as learning to manage this kind of disappointment and at the same time not allowing disappointment to stop progress," added the strategist.